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Electrical Safety Requirements for Electrical Workers

Electrical Safety Requirements

Electrical safety requirements are established for employees who work with or near electrical equipment due to high risk of electrical shock or electrocution (death by electrical shock). In the U.S., all electrical work practices must comply with the National Electrical Safety Code, the National Electrical Code, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and U.S. state-adopted electrical safety requirements.


Electrical Safety Requirements -- Approved Materials
Only approved by materials by or Factory Mutual Corporation (FMC) or the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) should be used. Materials such as apparatus, electrical wire, equipment, and electrical wire must be used and installed as directed in the certification, labeling or listing.


Electrical Safety Requirements -- Qualified Personnel
Only workers familiar with electrical safety standards, electrical code requirements and related experience are qualified to work on electrical equipment.


Pre-Work Electrical Safety Requirements 
Employers are responsible to inquire, determine and directly observe the location of any and all concealed and exposed live electrical circuits. If any electrical work requires a tool, a worker or machine to cross set electrical safety boundaries, then the electrical circuits are to be grounded and de-energized.


Electrical Safety Requirements For Underground Lines
No auguring, drilling or other related practices are to be done within a six-foot parameter of any underground line, unless it has been de-energized. With that being said, all underground lines should be protected with longitudinal tape or surface signs.


Electrical Safety Requirements -- Job Briefings
Engineers and supervisors must provide job briefings for workers. Subsequent job briefings must also be held during the work term. These briefings must include:

  • A job hazard analysis (JHA): All electrical hazards must be identified, discussed and placed in writing.
  • Non-electrical hazards. In addition to electrical hazards, all other hazards must also be indentified, discussed and placed in writing.
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE): Employers are legally required to provide all workers with the necessary hard hats, rubber gloves, safety boots and other ANSI-standard-approved clothing. Arc-flash protection clothing meeting NFPA-70E standards must also be provided.

On-site training

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Arc Flash Group Training

We can present this Course to your electrical engineering and maintenance staff, on your premises, tailored to your specific equipment and requirements. We are ready to help design this program for you. Click on the link below to request a FREE quotation.